envy, laziness, taking what others have produced...these are the
things that have replaced the rugged individualism, the haul yourself
up by your bootstrap mentality that was, in times long past, at
the core of the American character. At this dawn of the 21st century,
politicians of the Teddy Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and,
to a - slightly - lesser extent, George Bush (father and son)
ilk hold out the promise of big government transfer payments,
and the ruinous plundering of one major industry after another.
A far cry from those rapidly vanishing rugged individuals, Americans
by the droves line up with their hands out. I expect this from
the political class, parasitical cretins who never earned an honest
day's pay in their lives, but, I entertained a flickering hope
that individual Americans were better than this.
the tobacco industry was vilified, then the gun manufacturers.
The pharmaceutical firms seem to be the next industry in big government's
sights, following by the HMOs that the government thrust into
a controlling role in healthcare. The Internet is destined to
be taxed into oblivion and the once invincible Microsoft is doomed
to be torn apart by these soulless plunderers. The wolves are
ready to feast on the carcass of other industries, any industry,
all in the name of the public good. Congressional
Legicrats refuse to give meaningful tax relief to the top wage
earners and the rabble cheers. More for them, you see, and to
hell with the hard working individuals who spent their lives building
something from nothing. Perhaps it's time for someone to sound
a cautionary note. Perhaps it's time for a modern day Paul Revere
to sound the warning. Attention
rabble! While you're standing in line for that next government
payout...While you're eagerly awaiting the next carcass on which
to glut yourself, consider this...What happens to you and the
rest of your ilk when the producers stop producing? What happens
to you when the next Bill Gates, the next Thomas Edison, the next
Henry Ford says 'screw it, I'm not going to kill myself building
something up so the government can tear it all down and give to
the rabble'. A
fundamental law in nature dictates that the parasite can't survive
without the host, but, the host can do just fine without the parasite.
The producers are not obligated to be your slave. They are not
required to keep producing, keep building, so you can tear it
all down. The producers, as Ayn Rand pointed out half a century
ago, can shrug off this burden...can shrug What will
you do then, when you are required to fend for yourself? I'm guessing
you'll turn on each other. It can't happen too soon. AMERIKA'S
its inception, America, by its very nature, promoted certain traits
that came to be known as 'the American Character'. Three essential
traits formed the solid foundation on which America was erected:
A self-reliant courage of one's convictions. It
produced individuals willing to defy conventional wisdom - the
prevailing notion of the majority - and confidently state: "That's
wrong, and here's why." SELF-SUFFICIENCY:
A vital element in the 'can do' Yankee spirit from a bygone era.
It encouraged individuals to set personal goals, acquire the necessary
knowledge, then work hard to achieve those goals. PERSONAL
The courage to accept the blame for one's mistakes and the
corresponding pride required to take full, unapologetic, credit
for one's accomplishments. In
21st century Amerika, these relics from a more rational era in
our nation's history are subjected to egregious vilification and
relentless assault. Each been replaced, as follows: RUGGED
It's long gone, and it's never coming back. In its place, we find
a group identity, one that comes with its own, ready-made, opinion-poll-sanctioned
set of notions. SELF-SUFFICIENCY:
It's equally passe. The modern, Amerikan nanny state breeds a
nation populated by greedy parasites, parasites who are indoctrinated
with the knowledge that all their needs can be provided by the
state. Why earn what you need, when it's much easier to
let a government minion steal it from some hardworking fool? PERSONAL
This has been annihilated by a psycho babble tidal wave and shyster-perpetrated
bovine excrement. In 21st century Amerika, everyone is trained,
at birth, to whine for the coveted mantle of victimhood. A veritable
psycho-babble-spewing, shrink plague defines a parasite's victimhood,
then the shyster infestation finds someone else to blame.
death tax, our 'progressive' tax system, the dumbing down
of our schools, venerated mainstays in Uncle Sam's nanny culture,
lead to certain inescapable concepts. In our Parasite Culture:
• Intelligence is unfair to stupidity
• Success is unfair to failure
• Wealth is unfair to poverty
Intelligent, successful and wealthy sovereign individuals
must be punished, because they are so greatly outnumbered
by poor, stupid, losers. It's politically expedient to go with
the larger group, because staying in office is the sole purpose
of politics and poor stupid losers are easily bribed into
voting for a liberty-trampling hack. |
depths to which the legendary American character has sunk shouldn't
shock anyone. Even a congenital moron knows that 21st century
Amerika is tailor-made for parasites. Nanny government hacks have,
successfully, criminalized achievement, excellence and sovereign
individualism. Why? Because, the Statists who dominate the two
reigning political clans know that appeasing parasites with class-envy
politics is the best way to keep themselves in power. The more
crumbs the political class showers on Amerika's greedy, obnoxious,
lazy dolts, the more powerful the hacks become.
out-of-control nanny state embodies one utterly predictable consequence:
the inevitable collapse of this parasite-based house of cards.
The geometric growth of Amerika's parasite population, coupled
with the precipitous decline in Amerikan achievers, dooms Amerika's
parasite society to a well-deserved extinction. Eventually, Amerika
won't produce enough 'hardworking fools' to fund this politically-perpetrated
parasite enrichment. When this parasite-coddling society implodes,
the resulting political, economic and cultural carnage will be
devastating. That's when a final bitter reality will come down
on Amerika's parasite horde: without their host to sustain them,
these chonically-needy cretins are doomed to a well-deserved,
long-overdue extinction.
has devolved into a continent-spanning pyramid scheme, one that
it is destined, like this nation's Social Security brain-fart,
for an utter and complete collapse. It's there for all to see,
if you can do the math. The obvious question is: What, if anything,
should be done to avoid this Amerikan implosion? The answer is
equally obvious: nothing, because there's no way to avoid it.
The real question must ask: What comes after Amerika's implosion?
The answer to that depends on the direct causes of Amerika's implosion
and who is left to pick up the pieces. It's an answer we won't
know, until Amerika's self-administered demise is staring Uncle
Sam in the face.
T. D. Treat