RAG by Robert Mezey
From Chronicles Magazine
make alot of money and I have a perfect tan;
I wear Armani clothing, I'm a very fancy Dan;
I've dominated women ever since the world began
Yes, I'm phallocentric, logocentric, Eurocentric Man!
is my favorite sport, I play it with élan,
And I scorn the weak and womanish, the sloth, the also-ran;
Let them forage for their dinner from my silver garbage
And thank their generous benefactor, Eurocentric Man,
conquered everybody from Peru to Hindustan
And I make 'em speak my language, though they rarely can;
I'm the king, the pope, the CEO, the chieftain of the clan
Yes, I'm phallologo, logophallo, Eurocentric Man!
beauty with the hothouse grapes, the young boy with the
Are only minor luxuries, like my Silver Cloud sedan;
I bet you're very curious about my Master Plan,
For I'm your nightmare, haunting, taunting, Eurocentric
speaking, white males...all white males, are born politically
incorrect. If a white male expects to survive the relentless assault
by these diversity dimwits he must accept this as an inescapable
fact of nature. It's the first, vital, step in his survival plan.
Inherent white male incorrectness exists, because these multicultural
morons define, categorize, everybody based certain immutable traits,
traits issued to each individual at birth. For white males the
two primary traits are skin pigmentation and gender. Other traits
can include: ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation and
in extreme cases Vietnam Veteran status. To the PC set, each white
male represents, is responsible for, all thoughts, words and actions
- real or imaginary - by all white males throughout history. Furthermore,
Whitey is responsible for any, all, thoughts words and actions
the PC set claim white males perpetrated. Granted, it's very a
impressive trap, but only if Whitey lets the properly-hyphenated
define him.
we can deal with a survival strategy, we must take a closer look
at a few key elements from this multicultural mania. Multiculturalism
- political correctness - is built on the philosophical quicksand
called 'group think'. Under this concept, each person is assigned
to the proper group, based on one of the immutable traits I mentioned
earlier. Once properly hyphenated, the proud new multiculturalist
sheds his or her troublesome individuality, including individual
responsibility for one's own actions. In return, the aspiring
group member receives their assigned group's - tribe is much more
accurate - predetermined attitudes, language, rituals, and sensitivities.
This is sometimes called 'immersing yourself in your proper culture'.
Most elements of this tribal identity are only annoying, but it's
this tribal sensitivity that represents the group think movement's
primary weapon.
Charles Sykes points out in his excellent book 'A Nation of Victims',
the tribal moron - he prefers the term 'victim' - measures his
oppression based on his 'feelings' about what his oppressor (that's
you, Whitey) does, says or thinks. Yes, sports fans, properly
hyphenated tribe members in good standing are automatically rendered
telepathic when it comes to reading an oppressor's hidden thoughts.
Sykes explains that "once feelings are established as the barometer
of acceptable behavior, speech (and by extension, thought) becomes
only as free as the most sensitive group permits." If Whitey is
foolish enough to try and 'discuss it'. Sykes reports that these
alleged victims have an answer for that, too. " The new victimist
politics' core dogma proclaims that only members in good standing
from recognized victim groups can understand their own suffering...Any
criticism or questioning from non-victims (not from the victim's
specific tribe) is rejected out of hand as an act of disrespect
and insensitivity." Not even the fabled Catch-22 compares to this
goodie. Hold on to your hat, buckaroo, the best is yet to come.
Sykes exposes the proverbial fine print in this multicultural
'gotcha' by pointing out that "Injustice becomes highly subjective
(each group defines it differently) so no objective, commonly
held standard is possible."
Let's go over the high points of this multicultural Catch-22,
in case they ask at the trial:
There are no objective standards and each group has its own set
of 'gotchas'.
If you insult, oppress, any member of a tribe, you oppress/insult
the whole tribe.
Politically incorrect behavior (yours) is measured by sensitivities,
feelings (theirs).
At any given instant in time, a given tribe's sensitivity is established
by the feelings of the most sensitive member of that tribe.
concept 'most sensitive member of that tribe' is the multicultural
Sword of Damocles hanging, precariously, by the tattered, frequently-broken
thread of tribal sensitivity over a white male's head (militant
feminists prefer to hang this deadly blade a tad lower on offending
males) when he interacts with a card carrying tribal moron. Let's
be real, OK! No matter how hard Whitey tries...No matter how conscientious
Whitey is...No matter how frantically Whitey stays tuned to the
tribal sensitivity currently in vogue, he'll never pass muster
on item number 4. No white male will pass this sensitivity test
with the likes of Catherine MacKinnon, Andrea Dworkin, Malik Zulu
Shabazz, Louis Farrakhan, and their counterparts on the lunatic
fringe of other tribal movements. Hell, it's extremely unlikely
that any white male would pass 'multicultural sensitivity' with
such mainstream tribalists as Gloria Steinem, Gloria Allred, Al
Sharpton, Maxine Waters and Je$$e Jackson
now, some of you are screaming the traditional obscenities at
your favorite freelance philosopher, me. In the spirit of multicultural
sensitivity, I'll say, 'I feel your pain'. OK, so maybe John Q.
Whitey won't meet Malik, Catherine, Andrea, Louis, Al, Gloria's
one and two, or Je$$e. I never said that any of them were the
ultimate in tribal sensitivity. In fact, I'll go on record, right
now, and tell you that it's among the properly-hyphenated rank
and file that we find the most exaggerated sensitivities. Malik,
Catherine, et al, are well-educated people, something John and
Jane Q. Tribalist rarely are. When it comes to irrational sensitivities,
Malik and company don't even come close to these unsung heroes
of victimism.
the unalterable fact that Whitey is pronounced guilty, at birth,
there's no earthly reason to play this alleged Political Correctness
Game, a game which is rigged to make Whitey a perpetual loser.
The whole point of this P.C. Game is to get the white male to
play. If he doesn't play their game, they lose! Think about it...They're
going to say the same stuff about Whitey, in any case, so why
would he torture himself by trying maneuver through their emotionally
triggered mine field? To quote the computer in the movie 'War
Games', 'Interesting game' The only winning move is not to play'.
English language is crammed full of fabulous words and I love
every damn one of them. Words like 'mutant', 'moron', 'cretin'
had to be created with these PC jerks in mind. When I encounter
a superbly constructed individual of the female persuasion, the
only appropriate word is 'babe'. That 900 pound bozo blocking
the brewskie aisle isn't 'gravitationally-challenged', he's 'fat'
and he's in the god damn way. I call him 'Hippo Breath' and tell
him to get his fat butt the hell out of him way. When someone
of the female persuasion runs a red light and nearly totals my
car, the word I shout is 'bitch'. If, like me, you were born incorrect,
be a man, use the full spectrum of words at your disposal. No
matter how hard these tribal pinheads try to deny it, every individual
is responsible for their own actions and, when you feel the irrepressible
urge to 'enlighten' them, do it! Don't let the hyphenated horde
take words out of your mouth. Stand up, say what you want to say,
the way you choose to say it and let them be as 'offended' as
they god damn want.
like me, you're John Q. Whitey, here's some unsolicited advice.
The chronically oppressed created their own personal hell with
their hypersensitivity, making it their problem, not yours. Go
out there and have some fun setting off your neighborhood whiner.
At a loss for words? Try this for starters: "Your irrational,
insanely-exaggerated sensitivities are not my responsibility."