cult of victimhood spawned by multiculturalism, a.k.a. political
correctness has unleashed the hounds of Nanny government on sovereign
individuals with a vengeance. 'Protecting' the properly-hyphenated
from the rigors of reality, wasn't enough for our brain-dead bureaucrats.
Just getting started, government hacks, on all levels, seek ways
to protect sovereign individuals from themselves. This section of
PIG deals with the cultural impacts of this tidal wave of Nanny
government interference in our daily lives.
damage from this Nanny government plague is everywhere. Amerika's
sovereign individuals are besieged by a shysterized, psychobabble-driven
Nanny government. Uncle Sam's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
is tasked with sustaining employment for affirmative action-hired
dolts. If this walking brain-fart happens to be psychotic, he's
rendered termination-proof by the American's With Disabilities Act.
If this pathetic waste of breathable air has two left feet, OSHA
will rush to his rescue, finding a thousand ways in which your company
endangered him with 'unsafe working conditions'.
government's outrages are pandemic and PIG is up to here with it.
When my head is throbbing and I crave some aspirin, I'm forced to
wrestle my way past some god damn childproof cap. Spouting drivel
about a myth called 'second hand smoke', government-sanctioned smoke
Nazis pile egregious taxes on each pack of smokes, then impose smoking
bans to criminalize the use of a legal product. Television is reduced
to visual pablum by the FCC, because hypersensitive cretins impose
their taste on all sovereign individuals...for the sake of the children.
Kulture section covers these topics and many more. Join us as we
examine the cultural carnage political correctness has perpetrated
on America. PIG deems this subject paramount, because it hits us
where we live, on a daily basis.
T.D. Treat

Scribbling: Everett Peck