In this first decade of the 21st century, rational adults are living a 1950s horror movie nightmare. We are surrounded by, besieged by,inundated by, zombies. That's right, zombies, what some horror flicks call the living dead. You see them every day, but you haven't made the intellectual connection with those stumbling, glassy eyed, the lights are on but nobody's home, creatures who wander around, in those old movies, with their synapses in the deep freeze.
Admittedly, our 21st century zombie isn't as easy to spot as the horror fiction dipstick who roams aimlessly with his, her, hisher, or its arms held straight out. One reason our modern zombies are hard to spot is the fact that they come in many varieties. Depending on the variety you encounter, you'll find that modern zombies are either always smiling or always scowling. There is, alas, no happy medium when it comes to 21st century zombies.
The most disturbing tidbit about 21st century zombies is the amazing fact that every single one of them volunteered to put their brains in storage. They volunteered to stumble through life as what Rush Limbaugh so cleverly put it "mind-numbed robots". They are, believe it or not, zombies by choice.
Although zombies are all the rage, in movies and television shows, this story has nothing to do with them or the so-called 'Zombie Apocalypse'. If you think this is another Obama Zombie rant, get over it. We're going to focus on a very special kind of zombie, a zombie genre that infests government cess-schools from sea to shining sea. Before we delve into THAT, we need to set the stage.
From beginning to end, life is a series of learning experiences. The quality of an individual's life is determined, in large part, by their success in meeting, then surmounting, each new challenge. In most cases, each new challenge bestows new knowledge on that individual. An individual's success in passing through life's learning experiences, relatively unscathed, depends, in part, upon the moral fiber of the individual - a character trait instilled by one's parents and family. The individual's ability to handle life's lessons also relies upon knowledge instilled in us during our formative years.
If you're a PIGster regular, you're painfully aware that compulsory government Educrap fails profoundly in its primary function: instilling certain essential knowledge in the students we foolishly entrusted to them. We're up close and personal with the crappy tests scores, the numerous side trips into irrelevant subjects and the idiots with self esteem government cess-schools keep graduating. If you think this is 'no harm, no foul', get over it. Today's high school degreed idiot with self-esteem is tomorrow's low information voter. The cess -schools' Marxist indoctrination bore bitter fruit, last November, when chad punching, low information idiots with self esteem flushed our liberty down the crapper, by giving the Red Shed Marxist four more years in the Oval Office.
As bad as that is, it gets worse, because, in an increasing number of instances, these government schools are teaching the wrong lessons. One way these educrats perpetrate this is through a government cess-school
gem called "Zero Tolerance".
To demonstrate how Zero Tolerance teaches the wrong lesson, you need to
hear the saga of a 14 year old Indiana lad named Elliot Voge. Elliot's descent into Zero Tolerance hell started while he was walking to school. After shoving his hand into his pocket, he found, to his horror, that he'd accidentally left a Swiss Army knife in his pocket. Knowing that taking a knife on Stonybrook Middle School grounds was a rule violation, Elliot mulled over his choices. Since it was too late to return home, he did what a young lad of his sterling character should do: he resolved to go to the school office, explain his innocent, unintentional, mistake, then turn the knife over to school authorities. When Elliot followed through with that plan, the Educrats rewarded his honesty and integrity with a 10 day suspension and expulsion proceedings. Thanks to the Zero Tolerance Zombies at Stonybrook, one of their best students learned the wrong lesson: honesty and integrity are for chumps; you might as well hide the truth or lie, because when the dust settles, the punishment is the same.
Zero Tolerance is popular with government cess-school Educrats because
even an intellectual flat-liner can administrate it. The task is painfully simple for these Educrat meatheads. Consulting their trusty dusty zero tolerance chart they run their finger down the list to the item they need such as "brought a knife to school". Moving their finger across to the punishment column they find "10 days suspension, start expulsion proceedings". If somebody tries to confuse this Educrat meathead with the facts, they're not interested. "He admitted his mistake and turned it in? That's not on my chart." "I don't find
anything about 'he's an outstanding student' here either. It's out of my
hands. The rules are the rules. He's gone."
Since that rat bastard murdered 20 tykes and 6 adults at Sandy Hook
Elementary in Connecticut, the zombies have been on a Zero Tolerance
rampage. Marching to the Assault Weapons phobia drumbeat pounded out by the Jackass Party and their MSM toadies, the Zero Tolerance Zombies have propelled the meaning of 'weapon' and 'threat' deep into the Twilight Zone.
Here are a handful of examples from the front lines:

When Addison Barnes, an 18 year old student at Liberty H.S. donned a "Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co." T-shirt, little did he know the shit storm he created.
In a nutshell, Barnes was asked to cover the shirt because it offended some of the students and teachers. When he continued to wear the shirt, he was suspended for 'defiance.' Barnes then filed a lawsuit which centers around First Amendment rights.
Here is where the hypocrisy steps in. One teacher had put up a sign in her classroom that said “Sanctuary City, Welcome Home,” the school did not remove the sign.
The lawsuit states:
“The unconstitutionality of the school’s actions is strongly confirmed by the fact that the school allows — even encourages and endorses — expression of different viewpoints on the subjects of immigration and national security,” the lawsuit said.“The unconstitutionality of the school’s actions is strongly confirmed by the fact that the school allows — even encourages and endorses — expression of different viewpoints on the subjects of immigration and national security,” the lawsuit said.
>>> READ MORE >>>
Cops Called After High School Students Mistake Square Root Symbol for Gun
Kemberlee Kaye
During a math discussion, a student being helped by another student with a math problem was told the square root symbol he'd drawn looked like a sketch of a pistol. (NARRATOR: But it was not a pistol). It was a principal square root symbol.

One of the students then popped off with something along the lines of, "well, let's get to work before I shoot you with a pistol!" A horrible game of telephone later and the cops were called, the student was removed from campus and his home investigated.
That joke quickly morphed into a rumor about a possible school shooting.
From a local ABC affiliate:
On Wednesday night, KATC reported that The Allen Parish Sheriff's Department responded to a comment that an Oberlin High School student made about the square root symbol looking like a gun.
Deputies say they searched the teenager's home after a tip came in that he was planning to bring a gun to school on Wednesday spread through social media.
"He committed no crime. He was the victim of the ole morphing of information [phenomenon]," explained Allen Parish Sheriff Doug Hebert.
Sheriff Hebert explained that the online gossip about the Oberlin High student spread so far that the rumor did not accurately depict the truth at all.
Allen Parish School District Superintendent Michael Doucet explained that it was a poorly judged quip between one student to another in a math class.
"The students were working together, and a student made a math symbol of a square root sign, which kind of looks like a pistol. And he was helping a weaker student, and the student says, 'Well, that looks like a pistol!' And he just made a comment [like] 'let's just get to work before I shoot you with a pistol," said Superintendent Doucet.
Gossip turned it into a rumor about the student plotting to carry out a mass shooting at Oberlin High School. The rumor warranted a search of the student's home for guns.
"He did not commit a crime. He did not commit anything remotely criminal, nothing to remotely suggest any intent to do actual harm," said Hebert.
The student who made the comment is still banned from school, even after the investigation found he had done nothing wrong. Worse still? The student cannot return, assuming he's allowed to return to school, while he awaits an expulsion hearing.
In response to the recent Florida school shooting boondoggle, it's understandable that school systems want to ensure any and all threats are taken seriously. But in a case like this, it seems pretty clear there was absolutely no reason to believe this student is a threat to himself or others.
The school board created a new policy to deal with talk of guns and shootings. If a student is even accused of talking about either, they'll be investigated by the sheriff's department, the school board, and the DA. Thorough, but leaves the door wide open for weaponization of the policy. Just look at how far fetched this story became.
ABC ctd:
Any student accused of talking about guns or school shootings will be investigated by three entities: the school board, the sheriff's department, and the district attorney's office.
If an incident like this occurs again, Doucet explained the protocol.
"The first thing we're going to do is remove that student from the premises with proper authority. Then, we're going to have a home visit done by detectives of the sheriff's department, and if no charges are filed, we're going to conduct a threat assessment on the student," Doucet said.
Right now, the school district is not allowing the student on school property, and he's awaiting an expulsion hearing to determine if he can continue attending the school system.
Superintendent Doucet says he is concerned by the new stricter guidelines, but he says he's doing what it takes to get the best results.
"Does it concern me sometimes? Sure it does! But if you lost a child and didn't take an incident seriously because you thought it was minor and something did happen, that parent that lost that child would be hard to explain."
Relatedly, you have to wonder what the heck they're teaching if high school students don't recognize a square root symbol.
Borrowed From:
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Students Are Protesting Racism on College Campuses. What Are Their Demands?
A week ago Monday morning, the University of Missouri system's president, Timothy M. Wolfe, resigned under pressure from student activists who alleged he hadn't done enough to deal with racism at the flagship campus, in Columbia. The ouster made waves nationally, and drew attention to movements centered on similar complaints on campuses across the country.
Many existed before the tension at Missouri boiled over, but they've all drawn fresh attention in the past week. Here's a brief look at some of the changes that student-protest movements on more than a dozen campuses are demanding from their administrations:
• At the University of Missouri, the group Concerned Student 1950 has demanded that the percentage of black faculty members be increased to 10 percent by the 2017-18 academic year, that the university devise a plan to raise retention of black students, and that Mr. Wolfe issue a handwritten apology, among other things.
• At Yale University, protesters' demands include that the residential community Calhoun College be renamed, that two new residential colleges be named for people of color, and that more support be provided to minority students.
• At Purdue University — where the president, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., recently hailed the institution as a "proud contrast" to Yale and Missouri — students have demanded that Mr. Daniels apologize for not acknowledging a culture of racism, that the university reinstate the position of chief diversity officer, and that a racial-awareness curriculum be created and required of students, faculty members, staff members, administrators, and police officers.
• At Ithaca College, protesters' principal demand is that the New York institution's president, Thomas R. Rochon, resign.
• At Amherst College, students are demanding that the president, Carolyn A. (Biddy) Martin, issue an apology to marginalized individuals who have been victims of "our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, antiblack racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism," among other things.
• At Guilford College, students have demanded better representation of minority groups among faculty and staff members, that the North Carolina college devise "a plan for the end of exploitation of black-male athletes," and that the college cancel classes when a student's life is threatened, among other things.
• At Claremont McKenna College, where the dean of students resigned last week under pressure from protesters, students have proposed that multicultural clubs be provided with institutional funding; that a general-education course be established in ethnic, racial, and sexuality theory; and that sensitivity training on Islamophobia be conducted annually on the California campus.
• At the Johns Hopkins University, students have demanded that the number of full-time black faculty members be increased, that the Center for Africana Studies be recognized as an academic department, and that students, faculty members, and staff members who accost black students be held accountable.
• At Northwestern University, students' demands include that a "Campus Inclusion and Community" building be erected, that a diversity requirement be set for all majors, and that a resource center aimed at black students be created.
• At Georgetown University, students have demanded that plaques be installed on the unmarked graves of slaves on the campus, that an annual program be established covering slavery's legacy on the campus, and that an endowment be established to recruit minority professors, the value of which should be "equivalent to the Net Present Value of the profit generated from the transaction in which 272 people were sold into bondage."
• At Emory University, students have demanded that black students who have been traumatized be given institutional support, that black students and faculty members be consulted on the administration's diversity initiatives, and that black faculty members and administrators be paid more.
• At Virginia Commonwealth University, students have demanded that the percentage of black faculty members be increased to 10 percent by 2017, that at least one out of three candidates for every faculty post be black, and that a position be created to ensure those demands are met.
• At the University of Kansas, students' demands include that three top student leaders resign, that a new director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs be hired in the next month, and that the university set goals for the recruitment of minority students.
• At the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, students have demanded that a diversity officer be appointed, that a "diversity space" be created where minority students can feel comfortable, and that the university create a new diversity plan.
• At Harvard Law School, students have demanded that the institution's seal, which is the coat of arms of the family of a slaveholder who endowed the first law professorship at Harvard, be changed.
• At Wright State University, students have demanded that the number of black students and faculty members be increased, among other things.
If you want to read more about the Marauding snowflakes' demands, you'll find the pertinent links:
>>> HERE >>>

HENRICO COUNTY, Va. -- A 14-year old girl could be charged with assault and battery after she threw a baby carrot at one of her former teachers. School disciplinary documents allege a baby carrot was used as a weapon in an assault and battery of a Moody Middle School teacher.
"I don't even know how to combat the stupidity," Karrie May, whose 14-year-old daughter Aliya is currently suspended for launching the vegetable, said. May said her daughter has been out of school for a month.
"I don't understand this," May said. "Yes, it happened, and I can see a couple of days in school detention or even a couple days out-of-school suspension. But this goes way beyond that. We have to go to court, and her charges aren't small: assault and battery with a weapon."
Aliya said she left class and saw a teacher she had last year in the hallway. So, as a joke, she said she reached for a baby carrot she had stashed at lunch and tossed it towards the teacher, never thinking she'd hit her in the forehead.
"If it's a soft carrot, it may not be as offensive," said CBS 6 legal expert Todd Stone. "But if it's a raw carrot, you don't have to have an injury or show you were hurt to prove a battery. It just has to be an offensive, vindictive touch. That's what the law says."
Henrico Schools declined to comment on the carrot case.
Karrie May said the school's Disciplinary Review Board sent a letter recently to try to get her daughter to admit guilt. She said they respectfully declined. Now mom said they await a summons to see what happens next.
"This could go before a judge and there could be sufficient evidence to find her guilty, but I don't think it's something a judge would want to find her guilty of," Stone said. "They may offer her counseling, sort of a carrot at the end of a stick."
The Editors' Guide to Free Speech on Campus
Josh Zuckerman '16
[Princton Tory] In late July, the University of New Hampshire issued a "Bias-Free Language Guide" designed to help students "invite inclusive excellence" on campus. To many commenters, the Guide represented the apex of political correctness and asinine policymaking. Why?
The word 'American' is 'problematic' because it excludes residents of other North and South American nations. Instead, students should use the term 'U.S. citizen.'
But wait, 'senior citizen' should not be used (likely because it excludes non-citizens).
'Healthy' and 'handicapped' are also no-no's, as are 'rich' and 'poor.'
Gendered terms like 'mothering' and 'fathering' should be avoided, as should 'mailman' and 'manpower.'
Well, can we at least say 'Caucasian?' Nope. You should say 'European-American individuals.' What about 'black?' Sure, no problem.
The University of New Hampshire ultimately retracted the guide. Alas, it is indicative of a terribly alarming trend on college campuses nationwide. And we're not referring to bad writing. Rather, having realized the minor inconvenience known as the First Amendment prevents public college administrators and professors from punishing those who espouse heterodox opinions (i.e. conservatives and libertarians), the modern university now seeks to employ social pressure as a means of coercing self-censorship. There are three common means of doing so:
1. The Microaggression
The most potent weapon in the arsenal of the political-correctness officer is the so-called "microaggression," defined by a University of California Los Angeles guide for faculty members as "everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership." Examples of microaggressions according to UCLA are:
"America is a melting pot."
"Men and women have equal opportunities for achievement."
"Gender plays no part in who [sic] we hire."
"Affirmative action is racist."
"I believe the most qualified person should get the job."
Note the ramifications of this last "microagression." Suggesting that companies should ignore sex, skin color, etc. in favor of actual qualifications is, incredulously, "derogatory" to so-called "marginalized groups." As UCLA professor Eugene Volokh observes, these microagressions "can lead to a 'hostile learning environment,' which UC — and the federal government — views as legally actionable. This is stuff you could get disciplined or fired for."
Basically, UCLA has defined a non-racist, non-sexist, and non-anything-ist opinion as "hostile," and in doing so has ignored Justice Robert Jackson's famous words in West Virginia v. Barnette: "no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics […]or other matters of opinion." But UCLA has done just that. While it is incredibly unlikely that any punishment for "microagressing" would survive judicial scrutiny, UCLA has used its guide to intimidate members of its community, particularly non-tenured professors, into self-censorship.
The Tory's Advice: We'll have to quote Professor Volokh on this one—"I'm happy to say that I'm just going to keep on microagressing." And you should be too.
2. Identity Politics and Race-Baiting
In April, Bahar Mustafa, a welfare and diversity officer at Britain's Goldsmiths University, tweeted "#killallwhitemen." When confronted about her belligerency, Ms. Mustafa replied, "I, as an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men […] women of color and non-binary genders cannot be racist or sexist." Instead of apologizing for her outright call for genocide, she simply appealed to her immutable demographic characteristics.
While the political-correctness police decry perceived slights against people based on their "marginalized group membership," it seems that it is perfectly all right to openly attack a speaker's background so long as he or she does not come from a marginalized group (whatever that means). How often have we heard the phrase "check your privilege"—as if one's opinion requires scrutiny solely because of one's race or socioeconomic status? How often have we heard someone bitterly complain, "oh, of course you think that; you're [insert trait here]?"
The vilification of dissenters due to their demographic traits has a toxic effect on discourse and free speech. Of course, nobody wants to be labeled a racist, classist, etc. So many just lamentably keep their mouths shut, and in so doing deprive society of the opportunity for discussion. Needless to say, this is especially troubling in a collegiate atmosphere.
The Tory's Advice: You are doing no one a favor by withholding your well-informed opinions. If someone has to resort calling out your race or socioeconomic status to support a point, not only is this probably a thinly veiled ad hominem attack, but also likely means he or she is struggling to oppose your logic.
3. Harassment and Trigger Warnings
On July 15, the satirical news website The Onion published a delightful article entitled "Parents Dedicate New College Safe Space In Honor Of Daughter Who Felt Weird In Class Once." The fictitious father said his daughter "felt weird after hearing someone discuss an idea that did not conform to her personally held beliefs," and "sanctuary" was needed for "students exposed to perspectives different from their own."
The Onion's article was no doubt a response to the rise in popularity of the "trigger warning," the latest in what The Atlantic refers to as a student-driven movement "to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or offense." Trigger warnings are simple. If a text or film contains potentially "triggering" subject matter such as rape, racial slurs, or depictions of war, professors are requested to advise students ahead of time.
In addition to the pedagogical and psychological harms of insulating students from real life, trigger warnings and the demand for safe spaces stifle free speech and academic discussion. Out of fear of "triggering" students and possibly provoking claims of harassment, law professors are considering removing rape law from their criminal law curricula. Of course, this seems far-fetched; how could teaching aspiring lawyers about the law be harassment? Short answer: it's not. But consider the witch hunt of Northwestern University film professor Laura Kipnis, who criticized trigger warnings in an essay on sexual paranoia. After graduate students complained she had created a hostile environment, she was subjected to a lengthy Title IX investigation and was fortunately cleared of all wrongdoing.
The tale of Professor Kipnis provides chilling insight into harassment allegations. She did nothing wrong. On the contrary, she sparked debate, discussion, and soul-searching; one generation ago, she would have been lauded as an exemplary professor. But in today's era of political correctness, she was faced with the prospect of job loss simply for having the gall to oppose the coddling of her students. This saga seems to indicate that almost anything can be considered harassment.
The Tory's Advice: Harassment is an extremely serious issue, and legitimate cases thereof should be dealt with swiftly and severely. But proper exercise of the right to participate in academic life, whether in discussions or in papers, can never be harassment. Do not fear retribution when you have to write about sensitive issues.
Indoctrination Time

Zero Tolerance Leaves Me Cold
[Fox News] A North Carolina middle school is under fire for sending students home from school on a cold day without their winter coats.
The students apparently ran afoul of a strict uniform dress code policy at the Ranson IB Middle School in Charlotte that includes outerwear.
Chanda Spates told WBTV in Charlotte that three of her children came home Tuesday without their coats and said the teacher took them because they did not match the school uniform. Spates said at least 20 other students were sent home coatless that day for violating the dress code.
"When the children came home from school…they came home with no coats on," Spates told the station Friday. "So I said, 'Where are your jackets?' Where are your coats?' They said, 'The school took them. They took all the students' jackets during lunch at the cafeteria.'"
She said the students were told if they wanted their coats back to have their parents come up to the school.
Spates said her children were told that their coats were taken away because they were not the right color, hunter green. She said last year Ranson sold coats that matched the uniform. This year the coats were not available in the right color.
Charlotte's temps Tuesday afternoon were in the high 30s.
"I'm upset that you would send children home in that degree weather without a jacket. Unacceptable. Period," she told the station. "Because that shows you're not looking (out) for the welfare of the children. You're not having any regard for the children."
The school issued a statement the following day, admitting that it goofed.
"Outer coats are a part of the uniform at Ranson," the school said. "Until today the policy has not come into question. Coats that did not meet the color requirement for the uniform dress code were taken by an employee (Tuesday). The employee's intent was to return the coasts to students before they went home. This action did not take place."
In the statement, school administrators apologized to parents and said staff had "worked diligently" to return the coats to students the next day.
"Corrective action has been taken with the employee who did not return coats back to the students," the statement added.
Student Forced To Expose Themselves
(MadWorldNews) Elementary school students in the small Texas town of Gustine had an uncomfortable day Monday when nearly two dozen kids were forced to drop their drawers in front of school administrators so they could find out who had been habitually leaving feces on the gymnasium floor.
According to local news source WFAA, the grossly inappropriate investigation left students feeling violated and parents demanding answers.
“I felt uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to do it,” said 11-year-old Eliza Medina. “I felt like they violated my privacy.”
Medina was one of just about two dozen students rounded up and told to strip to their underwear in a room full of other female students and a school administrator. The boys were taken to a separate room and given the same directive, much to their discomfort and embarrassment.
Student: Eliza Medina
The kids reportedly had no idea what they were about to be asked to do when they were first corralled into separate rooms. After arrival, they were told to “pull down their pants to check them to see if they could find anything,” Medina said.
Sure, finding random piles of fecal matter throughout an educational facility is frustrating in the least, but Medina’s mother, Maria Medina, said that is no reason for the school to take this kind of action against students, reported. Eliza elaborated on that point, stating that forcing children to partially strip down is not how to conduct a proper investigation. Clearly the educators on this campus lost their mind when they considered it would even be remotely acceptable to examine children’s private parts through their skivvies.
Gustine Independent School District Superintendent, Ken Baugh
“I was furious… I mean, I was furious,” Maria fumed. “If you can’t do your job or you don’t know what you’re doing, you need to be fired. You shouldn’t be here.”
Not all the children were quick to pull their pants down, some students tried to speak up when ordered to remove clothing, including Eliza, who said her opposition went ignored and she was forced to comply with the demand.
“I said I didn’t want to, but I was told I had to because all the kids had to,” Eliza said.
Not all school officials were on board with the approach, including Ken Baugh, the Superintendent for the Gustine Independent School District, who agreed that the educators and officials had taken it too far and noted that is was not appropriate, nor is it an act that the district condones.
Baugh tried to argue that the situation wasn’t as bad as some parents alleged, claiming that the children were advised to drop their pants “just a little bit” and not all the way down. But Eliza denies that assertion, saying she and others had to drop their pants “to where your butt is.”
Whether students were told to pull their pants down an inch or to their ankles, the request far surpassed anything decent, and parents have the right to be irate. Feces on the floor or not, this situation is sick, and those responsible for the “investigation” should be fired.
The entire situation stinks.
Student Gets Detention for Sharing Lunch
Public schools are run by the government and unions — that is, by moonbats. Consequently, students haven't been learning much. But that doesn't mean they are not being prepared to live under the freedom-free liberal utopia that will be their lot if current trends continue. From California, which always seems to get there ahead of the rest of us when it comes to tyrannical lunacy:
An eighth grade student from Weaverville Elementary School got a detention slip for sharing his school prepared lunch Tuesday.
Kyle Bradford, 13, shared his chicken burrito with a friend who didn't like the cheese sandwich he was given by the cafeteria.
How impudently the miscreant attempts to justify his crime:
"It seemed like he couldn't get a normal lunch so I just wanted to give mine to him because I wasn't really that hungry and it was just going to go in the garbage if I didn't eat it," said Bradford.
Why was this punishable by detention? In part, due to more hysteria over allergies…
The policies set by the district say that students can have allergies that another student may not be aware of.
…and in part because of the ongoing plague of locust-like trial lawyers whose greed is bleeding freedom from every aspect of existence:
"Of course if students are concerned about other students not having enough to eat we would definitely want to consider that, but because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals," said
[Superintendent of the Trinity Alps Unified School District Tom] Barnett.
Fortunately Kyle is a slow learner:
Bradford says that he would definitely share his lunch again if a friend wanted a portion of his meal.
Just as the survivor of a shipwreck will cling to flotsam in the hope of landfall or rescue, we need to hold tight to our sanity and decency no matter what the circumstances. The reign of moonbattery can't last forever.
[CBC] A Grade 12 student in Lethbridge, Alta., was suspended last week after dealing Pepsi to fellow students out of his locker.
Keenan Shaw was suspended for two days by Winston Churchill High School.
Shaw says he was told the sales violated the nutrition and marketing policies, and that he was operating a business without a licence.
But compared with what some other students sell at the southern Alberta school, Shaw says, his transgressions were minor.
"I'm not going to name any names, but I know a couple of people selling marijuana. There's kids selling smokes, there was a kid last year selling meth, as well as a kid selling acid," said Shaw.
Shaw says he has been told he will be expelled if the pop sales continue.
His mother says she believes the school went a little over the top and that the punishment is too extreme.
[College Fix] Yale Student: Conservative Club Problematic Because It Makes Campus 'Uncomfortable' For Muslims, Gays
by Jennifer Kabbany - Fix Editor
I don't know a great deal about Yale University student Helen Price other than what her Twitter profile says: "Yale student, leftie, Berliner, Brit, blogger … My Marxist feminist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard."
But what I can tell you about Ms. Price is that a comment she gave to The Yale Daily News this week about the school's 3-year-old William F. Buckley, Jr. Program is one of the most short-sighted, asinine and chilling statements I've read all week from an Ivy Leaguer, and trust me, they've said a lot of dumb stuff this week.
The article in which Price is quoted is a feature on the Buckley program, which strives to promote intellectual diversity on campus and brings in a variety of speakers to that end.
Helen Price '18 said that although she appreciates the effort the program makes to promote intellectual diversity, in practice such an effort can be problematic.
"When you invite very conservative speakers here who perhaps have controversial views on Islam or homosexuality, you essentially make Yale a very uncomfortable place for a large percentage of the people here on campus, and everyone should feel at home at college," Price said.
Where does it say in the Declaration of Independence that one of America's unalienable Rights is not getting your feelings hurt or your beliefs challenged at university? Welcome to America, Ms. Price - the land of the free.
And what about the conservative students running this club? Certainly they've had to suffer with feeling "uncomfortable" as their beliefs and views are ridiculed, bashed and slandered by peers and professors alike.
Yale is not exactly a comfortable place for students who, for example, are prolife. Just five months ago I was writing about how Yale student leaders refused to provide any support to a student pro-life club there. Indeed, won't even give the prolifers official recognition in the name of "reproductive freedom."
This despite the fact that the Yale student leaders have $800,000 at their disposal and dole that cash out to groups that tackle a variety of service projects and social justice causes, including tutoring, homeless outreach, environmentalism, homosexual advocacy, Palestinian statehood and more.
The William F. Buckley, Jr. Program is sorely needed at Yale, because it's clear only one ideology dominates and controls the New Haven campus, and its students deserve a well-rounded education.
It's pretty sad that it's the students who have to band together and do the job the school's administrators should be doing.
But such is the state of higher education today.
[DC] It's only August, but an overzealous teacher and some overzealous cops have already landed a high school student in serious trouble for having — or, in this case, merely imagining — something that represents a weapon, but isn't actually anything remotely like a real weapon.
The student, 16-year-old Alex Stone, was busted after he wrote about using a gun to kill a dinosaur earlier this week.
Stone, who attends Summerville High School in a distant suburb of Charleston, S.C., found himself both suspended and arrested after he completed a required class assignment, Charleston CBS affiliate WCSC reports.
For the introductory assignment, Stone's teacher asked him and his classmates to write something about themselves and their current status — like something you might write on Facebook.
Stone decided to write a fictional story wherein he slew a dinosaur. He used the word "gun." He used the words "take care of business" as well.
"I killed my neighbor's pet dinosaur, and, then, in the next status I said I bought the gun to take care of the business," the blond, baby-faced teenager told WCSC.
The teacher apparently failed to understand that he was writing a fictional account about killing a species of animal that went extinct about 65 million years ago.
Then, the teacher contacted school administrators, who promptly suspended Stone for the remainder of the week.
School officials also notified police on Tuesday. When police investigators asked Stone about his writing, he explained that it was a joke.
The police say Stone became "irate," according to The Washington Post, so they arrested him and charged him with disorderly conduct.
When police searched Stone's belongings, they failed to find a gun.
Stone's mother, Karen Gray, is not happy about what happened to her son.
"I could understand if they made him rewrite it because he did have 'gun' in it. But a pet dinosaur?" the mad mom told the CBS affiliate."I mean first of all, we don't have dinosaurs anymore. Second of all, he's not even old enough to buy a gun."
Gray is also upset that school officials never bothered to contact her.
"If the school would have called me and told me about the paper and asked me to come down and discussed everything and, at least, get his point of view on the way he meant it. I never heard from the school, never. They never called me," she told the station.
Stone believes the school's overreaction was absurd.
"I regret it because they put it on my record, but I don't see the harm in it," he said."I think there might have been a better way of putting it, but I think me writing like that, it shouldn't matter unless I put it out towards a person."
This incident is the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting. There are way too many to list at this point.
A similar incident occurred in West Virginia in April 2013 when police arrested eighth-grader Jared Marcum because he refused to remove a T-shirt supporting the National Rifle Association. Marcum was also suspended. In a move The Daily Caller can only characterize as courageous, the 14-year-old returned to Logan Middle School wearing exactly the same shirt.
In November 2013, an Arizona couple pulled their eight-year-old son out of a charter school after school officials threatened to expel the boy for his colorful drawings of a ninja, a soldier and a character from Star Wars. All three figures are clutching guns and knives.
Despite the fact a leading psychologist has deemed school "zero tolerance" weapons policies "psychotic", a hearing examiner just ruled that suspension was an appropriate punishment for a boy who wielded the now infamous "Pop Tart Gun".
A hearing examiner affirmed the suspension of an Anne Arundel County boy who chewed his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun in what many have come to know as "the Pop-Tart case."
In a 30-page opinion, hearing examiner Andrew W. Nussbaum supported a principal's assertion that the suspension was based on a history of problems, not the pastry episode. "The evidence is clear that suspension iused as a last resort," Nussbaum wrote.
The boy's family asked to have his school records cleared of the incident,which occurred early last year, when he was 7 years old and in second grade. The findings and recommendation will go to the county Board of Education for a decision.
The case dates to a time of heightened sensitivity to guns after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The boy's punishment drew national attention and was one of several D.C.-area suspensions involving imaginary or toy guns.
In Anne Arundel, the boy's disciplinary referral used the word "gun" four times, asserting that the child "chewed his cereal bar into the shape of a gun" and aimed it at other children. The document quoted the boy as yelling, "Look, I made a gun!" It cited classroom disruption as the primary reason for the suspension, and an administrator noted several previous incidents of disruptive behavior near the bottom of the form.
In Nussbaum's opinion, dated June 26, he rejected arguments from the boy's family that the school overreacted and that the suspension arose from a bias against guns. The father said he was told the day that the boy was suspended that it was for playing as if he had a gun, not for ongoing problems.
Fifth Grader Suspended for 'Shooting'
Imaginary 'Arrow' at Classmate.
On Wednesday, the Rutherford Institute announced it has come to the defense of a 10-year-old boy who was suspended under a school zero tolerance policy for shooting an imaginary "arrow" at a fellow classmate, using nothing more than his hands and his imagination.
Additionally, Rutherford Institute says the student has been threatened with expulsion for his make-believe actions, which were a response to another student "shooting" an imaginary gun at him:
"Johnny Jones, a fifth grader at South Eastern Middle School, was suspended for a day and threatened with expulsion under the school's weapons policy after playfully using his hands to draw the bowstrings on a pretend 'bow' and 'shoot' an arrow at a classmate who had held his folder like an imaginary gun and 'shot' at Johnny. In coming to Jones' defense, Rutherford Institute attorneys have asked Rona Kaufmann, Superintendent of the South Eastern School District in Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania, to rescind the suspension and remove all references to the incident from Jones' permanent school record."
"We all want to keep the schools safe, but I'd far prefer to see something credible done about actual threats, rather than this ongoing, senseless targeting of imaginary horseplay," said Rutherford Institute President John W. Whitehead.
The Rutherford Institute has given Superintendent Kaufmann until Dec. 13, 2013 to respond to its letter, after which the Institute will advise Jones' parents on how to proceed.
When Zero Tolerance Backfires
When does Zero Tolerance policies backfire? When Modest Junior College Student Robert Van Tuinen won a $50,000 settlement from Modesto Junior College for passing out copies of the U.S. Constitution.
His entry into The Zero Tolerance Twilight Zone started when he was confronted by campus security who informed him he had to be in a "Free Speech Area" of the campus.
Furthermore, he was told he could not pass out any type of literature outside of designated areas on campus.
Van Tuinen insisted that September 17, 2013 marked the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, "The highest law of the land" insisted Van Tuinen.
Van Tuinen was assisted by FIRE, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education initiating a lawsuit against the school, which insisted the school change it's "Free speech" policy and pony up $50,000 to Van Tuinen.
FIRE had this to say:
MJC's policy change no longer requires students and faculty to seek approval from the administration to free expression on campus. It also lists areas designated for free speech as "areas generally available to students and the community [including] grassy areas, walkways, and other similar common areas."
"FIRE is very pleased that Robert Van Tuinen and Modesto Junior College have reached this settlement-and that Modesto Junior College students will now be able to exercise their First Amendment rights across campus," FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said in the release. "But because 59% of colleges nationwide maintain policies that clearly and substantially restrict student speech, there's much more work to be done."
Under the settlement, MJC is forbade from ever cancelling these most recent changes and once again adopting the ones Van Tuinen sued over.
"I am thrilled with this outcome and I am grateful to my attorneys and FIRE for securing this agreement," Van Tuinen said in the release. "Now the Modesto Junior College community and I will be able to engage in free discussion on campus. I encourage students at other schools with restrictive free speech policies to stand up for their rights."
How's that for a $50,000 "In your face, Ivory Tower Eggheads" moment?
Zero Tolerance In Tennessee
Where: Clarkesville, Tennessee
Perpetrator: High School Senior David Duren-Sanner
A high school student in Montgomery County has been suspended after school officials found a knife inside his father's car.
David Duren-Sanner should be spending his time going through college and scholarship applications this time of year.
Instead, he's wondering if he'll even be able to graduate after what hundreds of people are calling an overreaction to a mistake.
On Thursday, Duren-Sanner, a senior at Northeast High School drove his father's car to school. During a random lockdown, his car was chosen to be searched.
Duren-Sanner gave permission because he said he had nothing to hide.
His father is a commercial fisherman on the West Coast and had apparently left a fishing knife in the car. Duren-Sanner's father said it might have been wedged between one of the seats.
Duren-Sanner said he told school officials and the Sheriff's department the car was his father's and he didn't know the knife was in it.
"He's like 'it doesn't matter it was in your possession anyway,'" Duren-Sanner said.
School officials suspended him for 10 days, the maximum allowed under school policy, and then he was reprimanded to attend 90 days at an alternative school.
Peggy Duren is Duren-Sanner's grandmother whom he lives with. She said she tried explaining the knife didn't belong to her grandson, but claims school officials wouldn't listen.
"Unfortunately (the vice principal) said that's the way it is now: Guilty until proven innocent. It's part of this zero tolerance policy," she said."
Duren-Sanner has an appeal hearing on Wednesday with the school board.
If his punishment is upheld, Duren-Sanner will not be able to attend prom, his JROTC ball or walk at graduation. His family said it's unclear whether he'll be able to graduate at all.
Duren said her grandson has a 3.0 grade point average, is on the honor roll and he has never even been sent to the principal's office She said scholarship applications have stopped since it is unclear what her grandson's future is.
Duren-Sanner also faces weapons charges with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department.
An online petition has garnered more than 600 signatures in support of Duren-Sanner. The petition urges school officials to drop all charges against him, end his suspension and not punish him for days missed.
Repeated requests for comment from the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System were not responded to.
Where: Logan Middle School Logan County, West Virginia
Perpetrator: Eight-grader Jared Marcum, age 14
Infraction: Wearing a shirt that displayed a hunting rifle that said “NRA PROTECT YOUR RIGHT.”
Punishment: After being sent to the principals office for refusing to remove or turn the shirt inside out by an over-zealous Zombie-tard teacher, Jared was suspended AND arrested for refusing to remove the shirt and inciting a riot. His charges? Disrupting the educational process (whatever that is) and obstructing an officer.
Aftermath: Our hero, young Jared, served a one-day suspension and returned to school not only wearing the SAME SHIRT, but to a supportive student body, some of whom wore a similar shirt.
After Jared's triumphant return, everyone on the school staff had refused to comment.
How’s that’s for Zero Tolerance back firing and biting the Zombie teacher that started the whole thing right in the ass!
PIG-Style high fives all-around for young Jared and his classmates.
Where: Hyannis West Elementary School (Mass.)
Perpetrator: Joseph Cardoza, age 5
Infraction: During an after school program, he made a 'gun' out of LEGOS. ' officials say little Joe made the toy gun, then ran around the classroom, pointing it at other kids, and making shooting sounds.'
"It's a threat to other children and other children could have been
scared." (School principal)
Punishment: A letter warning mom that baby boy might be suspended for
"using toys inappropriately"
Where: Alice Drive Elementary, Sumter (South Carolina)
Perpetrator: Naomi McKinney, age 6
Infraction: Bringing a clear plastic gun - her brother's Airsoft gun - to class for show and tell.
Punishment: Expelled. Naomi will be charged with trespassing if she sets
foot on the school's grounds.
Where: Poston Butte High School, Tan Valley (Arizona)
Perpetrator: Daniel McClaine, Jr. (High School Freshman)
Infraction: Using a picture of a gun as the desktop background on his
school-issued computer. The picture shows an AK-47 lying on a flag, reports KNXV-TV. The gun isn't his, McClaine assured the ABC affiliate in Phoenix. He found it on the Internet and liked it, partly because he is interested in serving in the military after graduation.
Punishment: Suspension
Where: Mount Carmel (Pennsylvania)
Who: Unnamed kindergartner, age 5
Infraction: It happened while our heroine was waiting for the school
bus. That's when our wenchlet heroine told another girl she was going to
shoot her with her toy soap bubble gun, which she did NOT have with her.
Punishment: Instead of admitting that 'kids say silly shit', the Zero
Tolerance Zombies suspended our heroine for making a 'terrorist threat'.
A terrorist threat? Seriously? Have they lost their minds, completely?
Where: Talbot County Elementary School (Maryland)
Perpetrators: Two six year old boys
Infraction: The Educrats running Talbot County Elementary School hit the
panic button, when a gun fight erupted on school grounds, while school was in session. Heroic school officials waded into the fusillade, ending the firefight before someone got their eyes poked by the FINGER GUNS brandished by the two inmates.
Punishment: Suspension.
Where: Mary Blair Elementary School, Loveland (Colorado)
Perpetrator: Alex Evans, age 7
Infraction: Alex Evans, of Loveland, said he was playing a make-believe
game called 'rescue the world' during recess at Mary Blair Elementary
School, which resulted in his removal from class after officials said he
broke a key rule. The second-grader explained that he tossed an
imaginary grenade into a box containing made-up forces of evil, and made
the sound 'pshhh' to indicate that the explosive had detonated. Dressed
in a camouflage shirt, [he] told the station KDVR that he did not throw
anything real or make threats against anyone, but rather he pretended to
be a hero acting bravely 'so nothing can get out and destroy the world.'
Punishment: Suspended, for violating one of the school's 'absolute'
rules which bans students from using weapons, real or imaginary.
Seeing 'gun violence' where none exists is just this year's obsession. In 2012 it was sexual harassment/assault.
Where: Southwest Middle School, Palm Bay (Florida)
Perpetrator: Nick Martinez, age 14
Infraction: Nick Martinez said he gave a quick hug to his best friend, a
female student, between classes. According to the Southwest Middle
School's student handbook, students can receive a one-day out-of-school
suspension for kissing, while students caught hugging or hand-holding are penalized with a dean's detention or suspension.
Punishment: In-school suspension - the Educrap equivalent of hockey's
penalty box.
Where: Sable Elementary School in Aurora (Colorado)
Perpetrator: D'Avonte Meadows, age 6
Inraction: While standing in the lunch line, he boldly, brazenly,
sexually harassed a female classmate. How, you ask, did he seal the
deal? Did he play TSA and 'grope-a-dope' the wenchlet? Nope, he uttered
the tag line from a song by the group LMFAO, "I'm sexy and I know it." At Sable Elementary, it's okay for our young hero to be sexy. It's probably okay for him to know it. BUT, it isn't okay for him to share this thrilling news with a classmate of the female persuasion. If you think this makes no sense whatsoever, don't feel like the Lone Ranger.
Punishment: Suspension.
Where: Lupine Hills Elementary School, Hercules (California)
Perpetrator: An unnamed 6 year old lad
Infraction: An East Bay dad claims a game of tag on the playground
resulted in his 6-year-old son being accused of sexual assault – a
decision he said was an overreaction by school officials.
The parent, who asked only to be identified as Oswin, said his son was
accused of brushing his best friend's leg or groin while the two were
playing on the playground at Lupine Hills Elementary in Hercules.
Punishment: After a two-hour grilling in the principal's office, he was
suspended, and a sexual battery charge was placed on his permanent
school record.
Finger guns? Soap bubble guns? Gun-shaped LEGOs? Computer wall paper?
Imaginary hand grenades? That's what they call 'terroristic threats'?
"I'm sexy and I know it" is sexual harassment? That's off the scale
zombie behavior. We the PIGs are disgusted that these unthinking Zero
Tolerance Zombies are the 'experts' whose primary function involves
teaching our young 'uns how to THINK.
Zero Tolerance Strikes Again
Source: PIG News Wire [03/16/13]
Zombies: James McGee Elementary School (Pasco, Wash.)
Perpetrator: Noah Aguirre (age 6)
Infraction: He told a female classmate about the toy Nerf guns his
family bought on a trip to Oregon. "...the girl who reported him felt
her 'health and safety were threatened'..."
Punishment: Suspension.
Aftermath: On Monday, the district downgraded Noah's suspension to a
"disruption" after meeting with the parents.
Nevertheless, they decided to appeal the suspension, concerned that
their son was the only student punished for participating in the conversation.
On Wednesday, Superintendent Saundra Hill contacted the parents with
good news.
"After a review it was determined that no disciplinary action is warranted and all record of the incident will be expunged from the student's record," the district told the Herald in a statement.
Zero Tolerance Zombies of the Week:
Source: Golden Oinks [03/09/131
Location: Park Elementary School (Maryland)
Perpetrator: A 7 year old second grader named Josh Welch.
Infraction: While eating a strawberry tart, he tried to make it look like a mountain. It didn't work out as planned:
"All I was trying to do was turn it into a mountain but, it didn't look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a gun [kind of]," Josh told the station.
Josh, who suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, said
his teacher was visibly mad when she saw that the pastry looked like a
gun, according to the report. ( Fox affiliate)
Punishment: 2-day suspension.
Zero Tolerance Zombies
Source: Golden Oinks [02/28/13]
Zombies: Genoa-Kingston Middle School (Illinois) Educrats
Targeted Inmate: Michael McIntyre (age 14)
Infraction: He wore a U.S. Marines t-shirt. So what?
Daniel McIntyre, 44, of Genoa, told that his 14-year-old
son, Michael, was asked to remove the T-shirt by eighth-grade teacher
Karen Deverell during reading class at Genoa-Kingston Middle School on
Monday. Deverell, citing the school's dress code, said the garment's
interlocking rifles was problematic and had to be removed from sight,
McIntyre said. (Fox)
Punishment: Threatened with suspension, until he, reluctantly complied.
Aftershocks: Brett McPherson, the school's principal, referred questions to
Genoa-Kingston Superintendent Joe Burgess, who reiterated that the shirt
is not in violation of the district's dress policy.
"We've been accused of a lot of things, but our middle school is well-known for its support of the armed forces," Burgess told "That's why this is so disheartening to all of us."
Deverell did not inform school officials of the incident, Burgess said,
adding that McPherson would have quickly determined the shirt to be a
non-issue if consulted. |