It's time to get PISSED!, with PIG's showcase of snarky, sarcastic, utterly inkorrect graphic material which strayed too close to the PIGdom. Some blundered into our inboxes. Others were widely circulated throughout the Internet, until, after several trips around the cyberspace block, they were given a home in the FSOP.
We posted them, because they were deemed properly PIGish, thus too good to go to waste in cyberspace. Admittedly, we're not crying in our brewskies over the space we freed up on our hard drives and e-mail inboxes.
Our esteemed selection committee deemed the following to be either appropriate for current times, or applicable for all times, past, present and future.
Some will make you laugh. Some will make you think. Some may even get you mad or offended. Others will have you saying "WTF!"
With PISSED, you'll discover everything from man's creativity, brilliance and ingenuity. You'll also discover man's stupidity and arrogance.
The images range from posters, cartoons, bumpers stickers, and photos.
No matter. Just scroll down and see for yourself what makes this a pisser of a page.
Feel free to pass them along and spread the joy and wisdom found on this page.
On your mark, get set, go get PISSED!














