The Good Lord up above had his game face on not just the day he created the following beauties, but when Obama ate an International turd with his being rejected in his bid for the 2016 Olympiad.
Are we doing a hit piece on Ofailure?
You bet, and we're happy to do the deed.
Number One Reason, Obama has a track record of complete and utter failure. He, with all of his charisma, flunked when it came to representing his corrupt hometown of Chicago.
Should The F.S.O. P. make any apologies for His incompetence?
Hell no. Not now or ever.
Number Two Reason: That's elemental, you blind as a bat Stevie Wonder's of the world.
These women of Brazil will be showcasing their talents and assets on a worldwide stage.
Now, wipe the drool of of your chins and scroll down for some Brazilian Eye Candy.

Click here and eat your heart out, Obama.